New Sustainable Ice Rink in Bern

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The UNESCO World Heritage Site Bundesplatz in Bern, the capital city of Switzerland, has always been a hub of activity and a central gathering place for locals and visitors alike. It is located in the old town and is home to the Swiss Parliament building.

Waterless zero-energy eco-skating at historic Bundesplatz Bern

Bern, 21/12/2022

Recently, a fascinating addition has been made to this iconic square – a synthetic ice rink that promises to revolutionize the way we experience ice skating. Let’s dive into the world of this innovative venture and explore the wonders of the artificial ice rink at Bundesplatz during the Bern Christmas market.

On December 17, 2022, Glice will offer a waterless, zero-energy skating rink at the historic Bundesplatz, allowing ice skaters the opportunity of a lifetime this Christmas season. Glice, a Swiss-designed synthetic ice rink manufacturer, was selected over refrigerated ice because of its unique, sustainable skating surface. Professional and competitive skaters across the globe are now choosing Glice for their training because of its ice-like feel.

Glice synthetic rinks have rapidly grown in popularity as an excellent alternative to conventional ice, allowing everyone the ability to install a rink in almost any location. The rinks don’t use water, electricity, resurfacing, or noisy equipment and are installed in over 90 countries across the globe. Glice allows endless skating all year long and in all weather conditions.

Glice Eco-Ice Rink in Bern

Compared to a conventional ice rink, the 468 m2 (5036 ft2) Glice surface will save 23400 liters (6181 gallons) of water, the monthly energy consumption of over 450 average households. Additionally, it will save 12 tons of CO2 emissions over the course of this event. “Glice looks like ice, glides like ice, but isn’t ice,” said Glice Co-Founder and CEO, Viktor Meier.

Why Synthetic Ice is Ideal For Christmas Markets

Having an ice rink in Bern is essential for bringing the right Christmas mood to town. Adding Glice synthetic ice to these markets enhances the magic. Especially with increasingly warmer winters it becoming the more efficient and economical choice, without having to disappoint the Christmas fans. Find out about more reasons below:

Advantages of Glice Synthetic Ice

Glice rinks are nearly silent, providing a pleasurable, low-decibel experience to patrons and local residents.  “We are excited to bring a Glice rink to Bundesplatz and offer the local community a uniquely sustainable activity,” said local Glice representative Tassilo Schwartz about the installation.

A Paradigm Shift in Ice Skating

Traditionally, ice skating has been associated with natural ice rinks, dependent on weather conditions and seasonal limitations. However, the introduction of a synthetic ice rink at Bundesplatz offers a game-changing experience. Synthetic ice offers a consistent and enjoyable skating surface year-round, even in the hottest summer months. This means that skating enthusiasts can now indulge in their favorite pastime even during the warm summer months.

Environmental Sustainability

One of the key advantages of a synthetic ice rink is its eco-friendliness. Unlike traditional ice rinks, synthetic ice doesn’t require electricity for refrigeration, reducing energy consumption and minimizing the environmental impact. Additionally, the synthetic material used in these rinks is often recyclable, contributing to a sustainable approach to recreational activities.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

The synthetic ice rink at Bundesplatz is designed to be accessible to a wider audience. Its location at a central square in Bern ensures easy access for people of all ages and abilities. Families, friends, and individuals can gather and enjoy a day of ice skating without the barriers posed by a natural ice rink’s operational limitations.

Low Maintenance and Cost-Efficiency

Maintaining a traditional ice rink can be both expensive and labor-intensive. Synthetic ice rinks, on the other hand, require minimal maintenance, resulting in cost savings for operators. The reduced maintenance costs can potentially translate into affordable skating sessions for the public, making ice skating more accessible to a broader audience.

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

Ice skating is not only a fun activity but also a great way to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The availability of a synthetic ice rink at Bundesplatz encourages people to engage in physical exercise while enjoying a delightful skating experience. This initiative promotes fitness and well-being among the community.


The synthetic rink at Bundesplatz Christmas market will be open to the public from 17 December 2022 to 12 February 2023, with opening times from 11:00 to 22:00. Ice skates can be rented on site. Please email to make a reservation.

Father and son skating on synthetic ice rink in Bern

About Glice:

Employing revolutionary synthetic ice technology, Glice brings sustainable skating to every corner of the planet, from classical winter sports nations to the tropics. Since 2012, Glice has installed thousands of synthetic rinks in over 90 countries. The Glice eco-skating rink technology uses no power, water, chemicals, or resurfacing equipment to operate. That is why it offers an ecological and economical alternative to refrigerated ice.



The introduction of a synthetic ice rink at Bundesplatz in Bern represents a leap into the future of ice skating. Its environmentally friendly, accessible, and cost-effective nature makes it an attractive option for both locals and tourists. As we embrace this innovative approach to ice skating, we look forward to witnessing the positive impact it will have on our community and the future of recreational activities.

For more information about this rink or other Glice rinks operating in Switzerland, please contact: Tassilo Schwarz, +41 76 580 93 19,