Synthetic Ice Rink Business Plan: Make It Profitable

Glice outdoor synthetic ice rink

Synthetic ice rinks are gaining popularity among professional athletes, leisure skaters, and entrepreneurs. Concern for the environment, the exorbitant cost of water and electricity, and the dependence of conventional ice rinks on weather and climate all point to synthetic ice rinks being, not just an option, but a necessity.

The great thing about artificial ice rinks is that they are easy to install, require little to no maintenance, and the costs can be kept to a minimum. In addition, good quality plastic ice is made of completely recyclable material that’s designed to be environmentally friendly.

Since plastic ice can be used anywhere and is not dependent on the climate, it is ideal for countries with warmer climates as well as for those who can’t afford to set up and maintain a traditional ice rink.

While an artificial ice rink requires very little in terms of maintenance, owning a synthetic ice rink business does need a fair amount of attention. Running a successful artificial ice rink business comes down to three main things:

  • Quality
  • Location
  • Income and Profit

These three aspects form an integral part of your synthetic ice rink business plan. We’ll elaborate on each and explain how to make your business a profitable one. Let’s get started.

Quality Is Key

It’s important to remember that not all plastic ice rinks are the same. The quality of the raw material, the composition formula, and the incorporated technology all make a huge difference to the overall quality of synthetic ice. Synthetic ice rinks often appear to be similar at first glance, but distinguishing good from bad can be relatively easy based on the materials used.

The quality of the raw materials used in an artificial ice rink not only defines its longevity and chemical stability, but also affects the gliding factor and smoothness of the surface. This is particularly important for puck handling and speed in ice hockey.

Good quality synthetic ice rinks also feature UV protection. When complemented with premium raw material, it can prevent discoloration. This is especially important, since many artificial ice rinks are exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods. Without the proper materials and protection, these rinks may deteriorate in color and quality over time.

Location, Location, Location

Outdoor Glice rink outside a mall in California - location is a key component of a synthetic ice rink business planThe location of your synthetic ice rink business is just as important as its quality and all other aspects of the business. You really need a crowded location where people come to relax and have fun. After all, you want your business to become a hub where people meet and interact.

Your business needs to be located in a place where people will see it while passing by and where they can easily come and skate without going to too much trouble. It also needs to be easily accessible for tourists who don’t know the town and are just there for a day or two.

Having your rink outside a popular mall is a great example of a prime location. It’s the perfect way for kids to unwind and parents to relax after a morning of shopping. What makes it especially appealing is that they’re already there, so there’s no need to drive somewhere else, look for parking, etc. A highly-trafficked location capitalizes on impulse, while also removing any friction in getting your willing customers to your venue.

Sources of Revenue

Revenue, cash flow and profitability are a big deal for any business. You need sufficient income in order for your synthetic ice rink business to be profitable. To gain the maximum value from each of your customers and your rink, your revenue should come from three main areas.

1. Tickets and Rentals

The obvious first source of revenue should come from ticket sales and renting equipment. Most people who go to public ice rinks are not professional skaters, they are just looking for some fun on a Saturday afternoon. They need to rent skates, and potentially knee pads and elbow braces in order to have a safe skating experience.

Some patrons might even want to hire an instructor for an hour or two until they feel safe going out on their own. If you always have at least one staff member on hand to fulfill this role, it is an up-sell and business opportunity that you should take advantage of.

2. Sponsored Ads

Many companies will benefit from a promotional ad on your synthetic ice rink’s dasher boards. Particularly when your rink is located within, or nearby, a shopping mall, advertising around the rink is an opportunity for local businesses to generate exposure and get in front of potential customers, who will likely be passing by.

Ads should make up about one third of your revenue. If companies see that your business is durable, profitable, and strategically located, they will recognize the opportunity and pay you to promote them on your dasher boards. Make sure to be prepared with data when approaching potential advertising partners, so the offer will be too good to turn down.

3. Food and BeverageFriends enjoying drinks together while taking a break from skating


The audience you are targeting with your synthetic ice rink business are people who are there to have a good time and relax.

Many times a grandma will take her grandchildren out to skate, and instead of testing her skating skills she might prefer to enjoy a cup of coffee and a piece of cake while her grandchildren glide on ice.

Food and beverage catering can range from a simple coffee and cake to a burger with fries and Coke. This is something that you should definitely take advantage of if you want to have your own synthetic ice rink business.

Final Thoughts on Creating Your Synthetic Ice Rink Business Plan

Nothing trumps quality. If you’re thinking of starting a synthetic ice rink business, success hinges on finding the right supplier to provide your patrons with an exceptional skating experience. The last thing you want is to waste your money on cheap synthetic ice and have dissatisfied customers who, at best, don’t return or worse, leave a bad review.

Delivery and installation of synthetic ice rink

At Glice, we pride ourselves on using high quality raw materials and incorporating the newest synthetic ice technology. We’re also constantly striving to improve our offering.

Glice is well known for offering excellent customer service and a global support network. Our customers have no doubt that they are in good hands. Glice’s success principles and practical tips have resulted in us becoming a leader in the industry and an expert in the field.

To learn more about Glice synthetic ice contact us today to start your own business, or get an artificial ice rink installed. The opportunities are endless and we are here to help.